Devlin Stone's Printer friendly SEC





Near the end of the rebuilding process within the Republic when reformation and industry where bringing people prosperity, it appeared as if a Golden Era of hard won peace would last forever.  However, Devlin Stone and his Knights where faced with a dilemma: Although battlefields where far and few between , the need to maintain a capable and experienced military remained, and with out occasional conflict the ranks of the Republic militaries grew inexperienced to real battle.  The new recruits filling the ranks of the Republic lacked the knowledge of the unit's and equipment that had grown so diverse over the last three hundred years that modern militaries had a veritable cornucopia of capabilities.  Experienced combat veterans new what to expect, but the green soldiers that where quickly replacing the battle hardened defenders of the Republic could not foreseeably be aware of important details of the opposition in a situation that counted.  Although lists and databases containing this kind of information, most up to that where difficult to read, were inaccurate, or would not print out well.  So Working with Dr. Lear and his Paladins, Devlin Stone created a comprehensive easy to use, and printer friendly list of special battlefield equipment.  Now in it's fourth itineration, the LoSBE is being distributed to all arms of the Republic military and even the corporate sector, a sure sign of growing militarism within the Republic.




Note: For best results, before printing go to File, page setup and remove the Header and footer, or save the HTM file and print it with word or a HTML editor and so you can remove the banner (sorry). 

I personally suggest you get the zipped version though, no banner and easy to print.


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