Special Equipment Card

Ballistic Damage Special Equipment

 Armor Piercing.  This unit ignores all defense special equipment while making a ranged combat attack.  (Optional) When this unit makes a ranged combat attack, it ignores all defense special equipment of the unit while resolving the attack.

 Anti-Personnel.  This unit's ranged combat attack can affect all infantry units in base contact with the target.  (Optional) This unit's ranged combat attack affects the target unit and every infantry unit in base contact with the target, delivering this unit's damage value to each figure hit.  For this attack, only one attack dice roll is made and compared to each unit's defense value.

 Streak Missiles.  This unit can make a ranged combat attack against a target when its line of fire is blocked.  (Optional) When this unit is given a ranged combat order with a single target, the line of fire is never considered blocked or hindered by the presence of terrain or other units.  If the attack is successful, deal damage equal to this unit's damage value reduced by 1 to a minimum of 1 click.  This attack may not be used to target a 'Mech that is shutdown.

 Point Defense System.  This unit can share its defense value with friendly figures in base contact.  (Optional) Any friendly unit in base contact with this unit may use this unit's defense value instead of its own.

Energy Damage Special Equipment

 Pulse.  If this unit successfully hits in ranged combat, it may make a second attack.  (Optional) When this unit makes a successful ranged combat attack against a single target, this unit may immediately make a second ranged combat attack against the same target with a +2 modifier to the target's defense.  If the firing unit is a 'Mech, it takes an additional click of heat for the second attack.  Pulse can be used by a unit only once per turn and does not cost an extra order.

 Grapple.  This unit may reduce the chance of an opposing unit breaking away.  (Optional) When this unit is in base contact with a single opposing vehicle or 'Mech, the target unit only successfully breaks away on a roll of 5 or 6 even if it has the Evade or Jump Jets special equipment.

 ('Mech Only) Alpha Strike.  This unit may shut down to increase its ranged attack damage.  (Optional) 'Mech Only.  When this 'Mech makes a ranged combat attack against a single target, click its heat dial until the shutdown icons appear while counting the number of clicks of heat needed to reach shutdown.  If the attack is successful, add to the 'Mech's normal damage value a number of clicks of damage equal to the number of clicks of heat this unit needed to reach shutdown.  Once the ranged combat attack is complete, this 'Mech is shutdown.

 Flamers.  This unit may deliver 2 clicks of heat to a 'Mech with a successful close combat attack.  (Optional) When this unit hits an infantry or vehicle unit with a close combat attack, add 1 click of damage to this unit's normal damage value.  When this unit hits a 'Mech with a close combat attack, the target unit takes 2 clicks of heat.  In this case, do not use this unit's normal damage value.

Melee Special Equipment - ('Mechs Only)

 Hand to Hand (HTH) Weapon.  This 'Mech can use a close combat order to deliver 1 to 6 clicks of damage.  (Optional) When this 'Mech hits with a close combat attack, roll 1 six-sided die.  This is the number of clicks of damage you deliver to the target unit.  In this case, do not use this 'Mech's normal damage value.

 Rapid Strike.  If this 'Mech successfully hits in close combat, it may make a second attack.  (Optional) When this 'Mech makes a successful close combat attack, this 'Mech may immediately make a second attack against the same target and takes an additional click of heat.  Rapid Strike can be used by a 'Mech only once per turn and does not cost an extra order.

 Agility.  This 'Mech reduces damage by close combat, charge, ram, and death from above attacks.  (Optional) This 'Mech reduces to 1 click all damage received from enemy units by close combat, charge, ram, and death from above attacks.

 Brawling.  This 'Mech improves damage dealt in all close combat, charge, and death from above attacks by 1 click.  'Mech Only.  This 'Mech improves damage dealt in all close combat, charge, and death from above attacks by 1 click.

Speed Special Equipment

 Camouflage.  When in hindering terrain, this unit's defense is improved against ranged combat attacks.  (Optional) If this unit's center dot is in hindering terrain, increase this unit's defense value by 2 versus ranged combat attacks.

 Evade.  This unit's defense is improved against ranged combat attacks, and it doesn't heat up when running.  (Optional) Increase this unit's defense value by 2 versus ranged combat attacks. This unit only fails to break away from opposing units on a roll of 1. If this unit is a 'Mech, it does not take a click of heat due to running.

 Jump Jets.  This unit can ignore all terrain and unit bases while moving.  (Optional) This unit may not run.  This unit may move through figure bases and blocking terrain, though it may not end its move in blocking terrain.  This unit's movement is not affected by hindering terrain or low walls and it does not stop when entering or exiting elevated terrain.  This unit only fails to break away from opposing units on a roll of 1.  If this unit is a 'Mech, it may attempt a death from above attack.  A controlling unit cannot use Jump Jets.

 Electronic Camouflage.  This unit cannot be the target of an indirect ranged combat attack.  (Optional) This unit cannot be the target of an indirect ranged combat attack.

 Infiltrate.  This unit begins the game outside its deployment zone (Optional) When preparing the battlefield, place this unit after all players have placed their units without Infiltrate.  You may place this unit up to twice its speed value away from your deployment zone.  You may not initially place this unit in any other player's deployment zone, or in any terrain the unit could not normally occupy.

Attack Special Equipment

 Repair.  This unit can repair friendly units using a close combat order.  (Optional) This unit may use a close combat order targeting a friendly unit to repair it.  Neither unit may be in base contact with an opposing unit.  All modifiers to the close combat attack are ignored, except heat effects.  If the attack is successful you may either: a) repair the target with clicks of repair equal to this unit's damage value, or b) roll 1 six-sided die and repair that many clicks to the target unit.  If this unit has a  as its attack symbol, it can only repair units with speed mode Foot. If this unit has a  as its attack symbol, it can repair all units except those with speed mode Foot.  If this unit has a  as its attack symbol, this unit can repair any type of unit.

 Bypass.  This unit can gain control of a captured unit.  (Optional) Give this unit a move order but do not move it.  If this unit begins the turn with no order tokens and is in base contact with a single captured vehicle or captured 'Mech, eliminate this unit to gain control of the captured unit. Your opponent gains victory points for the eliminated Bypass unit. The captured unit is no longer considered captured and is a friendly unit in all respects.

 Improved Targeting.  You may re-roll 1 die of this unit's attack roll.  When this unit rolls 3 six-sided dice to resolve a close combat or ranged combat order, you may choose to re-roll a single die.  If you choose to re-roll a die, you must accept the result of the second die roll.  You may not score a critical hit with the re-rolled die.

 Salvage.  This unit may only be given a move order.  This unit can only be given a move order.  If this unit is a vehicle, it may not be pushed.  If this unit is a 'Mech, it may not make a death from above attack.

 Command.  This unit may add an order to your order total for the turn.  (Optional)  At the beginning of your turn, roll 1 six-sided die for this unit.  Each 5 or 6 that you roll adds 1 extra order to your normal order allotment for this turn.

Defense Special Equipment  

 Decoy.  This unit avoids a successful hit from a ranged combat attack.  (Optional) When this unit is successfully hit by a ranged combat attack that is not a critical hit, the firer must make a second attack roll.  Only if this second attack roll is successful does this unit take damage.  Otherwise, the attack misses. If a second attack roll is made, it does not count as an additional ranged combat order for the firer.

 Reflective Armor.  This unit reduces damage dealt to it by energy ranged combat attacks by 2 clicks.  Subtract 2 from any damage scored against this unit by energy combat ranged attacks.

 Reactive Armor.  This unit reduces damage dealt to it by ballistic ranged combat attacks by 2 clicks.  Subtract 2 from any damage scored against this unit by ballistic ranged combat attacks.

 Hardened Armor.  This unit reduces damage dealt to it by 2 clicks.  Subtract 2 from any damage scored against this unit by close combat or ranged combat attacks.  Hardened Armor does not reduce pushing, critical miss, charge, ram, or death from above damage.

 Heavy Armor.  This unit reduces damage dealt to it by 1 click.  Subtract 1 from any damage scored against this unit by close combat or ranged combat attacks.  Heavy Armor does not reduce pushing, critical miss, charge, ram, or death from above damage.

Ballistic Heat Effects

 Starting Position.  All 'Mechs must start the game with this square showing.  Before every 'MechWarrior battle, all 'Mechs must have this green square showing in the heat slot.

 Avoid Ammunition Explosion: Critical.  This 'Mech will take damage from an ammunition explosion half the time.  If the 'Mech is not shutdown, roll 1 six-sided die.  On a result of 1, 2, or 3, there is a severe ammunition explosion.  The 'Mech takes damage equal to its ballistic damage value + 1.  This damage may not be reduced by any defense special effects.

 Avoid Ammunition Explosion.  This 'Mech may take damage from an ammunition explosion.  If the 'Mech is not shutdown, roll 1 six-sided die.  On a result of 1 or 2, the 'Mech's ammunition explodes.  The 'Mech takes damage equal to its ballistic damage -1.  Treat a negative result as zero.  This damage may not be reduced by any defense special effects.

 Ammunition Jam.  This 'Mech cannot make any ballistic ranged combat attacks or use any ballistic damage special abilities.  This 'Mech cannot make any ballistic ranged combat attacks or use any ballistic damage special abilities.

Energy Heat Effects

 Starting Position.  All 'Mechs must start the game with this square showing.  Before every 'MechWarrior battle, all 'Mechs must have this green square showing in the heat slot.

 Avoid Heat Sink Overload: Critical.  This overheated 'Mech will take 2 clicks of heat half the time.  If the 'Mech is not shutdown, roll 1 six-sided die.  On a result of 1, 2, or 3, the 'Mech takes 2 clicks of heat.

 Avoid Heat Sink Overload.  This overheated 'Mech may take 1 click of heat.  If the 'Mech is not shutdown, roll 1 six-sided die.  On a result of 1 or 2, the 'Mech takes 1 click of heat.

 Weapons Offline.  This 'Mech cannot make an energy ranged combat attack or use any energy damage special abilities.  This 'Mech cannot make an energy ranged combat attack or use any energy damage special equipment.

Speed Heat Effects  

 Starting Position.  All 'Mechs must start the game with this square showing.  Before every MechWarrior battle, all 'Mechs must have this green square showing in the heat slot.

 Avoid Shutdown: Critical.  This 'Mech will shut down half the time due to overheating.  If the 'Mech is not shutdown, roll 1 six-sided die.  On a result of 1, 2, or 3, shutdown occurs.  Mark the 'Mech such that it has a total of 2 order tokens.  If the 'Mech is already shutdown, roll 1 six-sided die. On a result of 4, 5, or 6, the Mech restarts. This restart roll is optional.

 Avoid Shutdown.  This Mech may shut down due to overheating.  If the Mech is not shutdown, roll 1 six-sided die.  On a result of 1 or 2, shutdown occurs.  Mark the Mech such that it has a total of 2 order tokens.  If the Mech is already shutdown, roll 1 six-sided die.  On a result of 4, 5, or 6, the Mech restarts.  This restart roll is optional.

 Engine Overheat.  This Mech cannot run or use any speed special equipment and has its speed reduced by 2.  This 'Mech cannot use speed special equipment.  This 'Mech cannot run.