The Demonic Raiders



    We are the Devil's of the Battlefield, ripping our opponents to shreds with our lasers in a bloody frenzy.


Formed in the year 2743 to be a "Last Chance" unit for near washouts of the SLDF the 666th Hells Lancers has become one of the most powerful pirate bands in all the known worlds.  Originally stationed on the hellish and backwards world El Diablo, deep within the Periphery, they suffered from unprofessional behavior till Brevet General Damon Heck took command of the unit.  His command emphasized discipline derived from the sword martial art Dachi-Tenshin, a technique that is described as "frenzied" by spectators.  Under his leadership half of the active warriors died from "mistakes" during training exercises.  The remaining pilots where the fiercest and most formidable on the battlefield and in hand to hand combat.  In the year 2766 they where mobilized to Garrison a rebellious Periphery world, but the following year received word of Lord Cameron's assassination.  Although they were not able to join Kerensky till late 2779, when a detachment of the 666th led by Brevet General Heck landed on Terra in the final assault against the usurper forces.  Although his unit crushed it's opposition, Heck did not feel Kerensky made the best use of it, so he did not attend Kerensky's summit and instead returned to El Diablo to build up his command.  After the exodus many of the partial SLDF units that remained joined the 666th providing it with many very experienced recruits and the most advanced war machines at the time.  As the Great Houses descended into war Damon Heck declared himself the Damned one and renamed the 666th the Demonic Raiders.  As the years went by and the universe descended into a dark age other warriors took command as the Damned One, moving to carve out a substantial holding for them selves; eventually they lost their technological edge due to maintenance and logistical problems.  Even then the Raiders remained a potent military force.  In the year 3047 they encountered a group of highly trained and equipped pirates that would not identify themselves.  It was not until 3058 that the Second in command of the Demonic Raiders Krievok pieced the evidence together and figured out that the unidentified pirates were former Clan warriors.  Using information stolen from the Explorer Corp. the Raiders planned an all out assault against the Dark Clan.  But when they finally reached their destination they found the bases hastily abandoned.  Krievok then realized that the Raiders could not catch a people who had been fugitives of the Clans for so many years.  But in pirate's hasty retreat they had left several minor construction and repair faculties and the corresponding staffs up for grabs.  It was not long after this that the Demonic Raiders where able to manufacture their own lost technologies. 


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