Devlin Stone's TacOps Center




      "No guts, no galaxy!"


-Devlin "The Devil" Stone 


  Devlin was made to fulfill the whims of those who looked to enslave mankind in the tyranny of separatism through the hardships of violence and war, but he learned through the pain and suffering of others the deep injustices of war.  He was so driven with a sense of justice that he challenged the powers that be and turned a world upside down to save the human race from the tyranny of war.  




This is my Battletech™ site.  Is that a computer game you ask?  No, Battletech™ is a board game, but more than that it is a Sci-fi universe more detailed and massive than any other.  And remember this, I, Devlin Stone, will change that universe more than it has ever changed before.  The age of Stone is coming, and the dishonorable and destructive will see the light, and men will live in peace from then on. 


Contact me at:


Ø       Added the patented Devlin Stone SEC!  Get it here.


Ø       3/12/02 Added link to MegaMek, a great multiplayer translation of the BattleTech board game.  At this point I have used every BT translation I have heard of and is available extensively, but MegaMek is in my opinion, the best.  The multiplayer simply makes Play by email, ICQ and Cyber board obsolete. so come on down and download the latest version of MegaMek now!      


Ø       3/01/02 I have added a picture of Devlin Stone, who if you guessed correctly, is me.


Ø       2/27/02 I changed the links to text because free servers are going through some major changes.  They now all operate on Hawaiian time, which is an improvement considering they used Mongolian time before.  


Ø       2/27/02 Added a picture link to the Classic Battletech site, some other great Battletech related web sites and my email.


Ø       2/26/02 On the Classic Battletech boards we have an ongoing story about a raid on Terra, I will be compiling the transcript, so check back soon.


Ø       2/25/02 I deleted the New Logo because it belonged to a Merc group, one of who is the very cool Joe Blodgett, also known as the Baron Foxx.  That logo was the one I was originally going to use, but time constraints prevented me from finishing it so I used my old Frat Logo for a while, so I am currently looking for a new one.  If you have any suggestions or submissions, you can contact me at





Classic Battletech

Fantasy Production

Wiz Kids

Mech Warrior: Dark Age

Bad Karma


Heavy Metal

The Demonic Raiders

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